Do you know your credit score? If you don’t, it’s time to check and find out what that score is. While many people don’t know their scores, it’s important to remember that your credit score is similar to your grade point average (GPA) in school.
About the United States
The Best Small Cities for Seeking US Employment
Being successful in the United States was usually connected with living in a large metropolitan city where lots of jobs and opportunities are available. Most foreign natives who move to the U.S. move to large cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York. Evidence from new Census data, however, shows that more native-born … Read more
The Benefits that Green Card Holders Enjoy
Millions of people apply for the Green Card Lottery each year for an opportunity to immigrate to the United States. The US Congress has authorized up to 50,000 Green Cards to be issued annually through the Green Card Lottery Program to “selectees” who are randomly chosen from millions of applicants and who then complete the US immigration procedure successfully.
Suggestions for Renting in the United States
If you decide to rent in the U.S., you will likely be asked to fill out a form to apply to rent. This form will ask for items such as proof of employment and your social security number.
Selecting Your Bank in the U.S.
When looking for a bank in the United States, you will find that there is a lot of competition. Each bank is offering free services or lower costs for services in order to get new customers.
How to Handle Your Banking in the U.S.
When living in the United States, it’s important to take care of your cash. The best place to store your money is in the bank, so it will be protected.
3 Advantages of Living in the USA
America is known as “the land of the brave and the home of the free.” Living on American soil definitely has some advantages, particularly when compared to other countries. Thankfully, there are tools such as USAFIS that can help people get their Green Cards in the U.S. in order to enjoy their benefits as permanent residents of the United States. Here are some of the main advantages of living in the USA.