When looking for a bank in the United States, you will find that there is a lot of competition. Each bank is offering free services or lower costs for services in order to get new customers.
While this may sound like a great deal, don’t forget that a bank is ultimately out to make money. There will be charges on other items such as ordering checks, wiring money, and exchanging currency from other countries.
Before signing up with a bank, be sure to check the charges for all services that you might need. USAFIS has helped thousands of foreign nationals apply for immigration to the United States to live and work.
To open a bank account, you will need proof of your identity, such as a Green Card and your driver’s license. You will also need some money to open the new account, as your first deposit.
If you ask for an ATM card, your bank will mail that to you at your home along with blank checks, for which there may be a printing charge.
USAFIS wants to help you with your immigration to the U.S. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your visa application to the United States.
The following video will help you understand How Banks Work: